вторник, 6 август 2024 г.

slave morality is made up


Mother and slave morality

INFJ mother gives to others and self sacrifices bc shes afraid they will die if she doesn’t

this can also translate to “they will be set back so let me help them this way”

then they go full of themselves, they don’t remember or even understand the help they got. T tpyes may be worse at understanding human relations thus relying on achievement to get beneficial social feedback and emotions, bc they don’t understand the other ones. Then they don’t think about giving to others bc they don’t relate to them well too, and being given to, they think they earned things bc they don’t understand again that other ppl helped them and such complex stuff. Then they feel reluctant to give to others and also forget the mother. Through manipulation I could absolutely ruin their life. So this becomes a burden on me. Iw ant them to be stronger and more aware, so they can nderstand complex informaiton and help me, instead of burdening me with their issues. I helped them bc they were burdening me and feel like victims too. They don’t understand others and social dynamics, so they resort to feeling like vicitms any time there’s conflict so they are always right and have ot be given more and to understand more. So b c ur not perfect u can end up hurting others even if u don’t intend to, and vice versa. So u need to forgive them and also urself and try to fix it, which is a form of servitude. If soemone hurts u, bc they are dumb or ill, b c a person whos strong wouldnt do it, u need to be patient with the mfor them to get better. Sometimes u need to hurt them more perhaps, in a particular surgical way, not too much and not the wrong way, for example if they don’t understand why but also arent capable of thinkin about it in the moment perhaps, or if its not appropriate to make them, and sometimes maybe u have ot hurt them and they have to cry about itand they have to figure it out and think about it idk. and not too little so they are just not repsonsive to it. But even hurting them can be smth against ur own will but good and necessary, and if u weren’t blind u wouldnt see it as bad. Perhaps. So slave morality is made up. as soon as  you care about someone you have to be their slave in some form because it means to serve them. people who think they have it all figured out and are above others are narcissistic. perhaps not always, or sometimes some of them have figured more than others and have been treated unfairly. im talking about that yes theres entitlement and unfairness and u should be mindful of it, also im not here to condemn or judge others with my limited understanding. people say being indecisive which can come from this ujnderstanding is feminine and the bible says not to lean on our own understanding. it also says smth like we're Jesus' bride. He's our authority. on earth husbands have authority over their wives given by God but not one that goes above God, and i dont think one that justifies abusing them unfairly (again servitude may involve some sort of sacrifice but someimtes u also dont feel like ur doing a sacrifice by serving others. it can feel nice and whatever or wanted,m not like ur getting harmed. so im not saying ot oppress ur wife, and that if u dont think something is oppression it doesnt mean its not.)

  im talking about potential relationship dynamics regarding T types but i dont mean that all T types are like that or that F types cant be like that.

slave morality is made up

  Mother and slave morality INFJ mother gives to others and self sacrifices bc shes afraid they will die if she doesn’t thi...